Energy Paintings From My Solo Adventures

  • I have been traveling since 2011, mostly alone. In 2014, I bought a one way ticket to Mexico, alone, without a plan, a final destination, or deadline. I wanted apply all that I learned from my time serving in the slums in India. I wanted to follow my heart and allow the Universe to open for me and provide me with the lessons and experiences I needed. I wanted to connect with communities at the heart level. My intention was to move in service.

    This brought me to many villages, learning backstap weaving with women, teaching kids healing arts, immersing myself in culture and ancient energies. I felt my way through countless temples, sat in many prayer circles, and lived with presence and heart. In many ways that trip helped me remember who I was. The indigenous women and the land are one and the same. They reconnected me to my birth right - our birth right - the unconditional love of Mother Earth. I spent most of my time alone in nature, where the trees and the clouds started to talk to me (rather, I started to listen). They guided me to my next steps. I learned more about my sensitivities.

    Painting daily became my home. It became my language. It became my breath. Every emotion, experience, connection seen and unseen ended up in my painting. I painted in the same way that I lived - in the flow of the heart and in tune with our connection with all that is. I ended up traveling through Mexico, Belize and Guatemala for 15 months solo. Since 2011, I’ve travelled to over 25 countries. In many ways my travels never stopped because now this intentional flow is the way I move through life.

    I’m offering these paintings for the first time. I’ve held them close to me because they are the only real souvenirs I have. And yet I know that these paintings are not just about my journey, they are a connection to all of our journeys. The energy in these paintings support the walk each of us take on our unique paths towards the truth of our souls. May these pieces continue to remind us and hold space for who we really are. Love.